Cultural Advice

Aboriginal Peoples are advised the Library Collection contains images, voices and names of deceased people in physical and online resources.

The Library recognises the significance of the traditional cultural knowledges contained within its Collection. The Library acknowledge some materials contain language that may not reflect current attitudes, was published without consent or recognition, or, is offensive. These materials reflect the views of the authors and/or the period in which they were produced and do not represent the views of the Library.

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Read & Publish

Read & Publish Agreements allow the university community to read full-text journal articles and researchers to publish their research immediately as open access (OA) without paying Article Processing Charges (APCs), providing more equitable access to research and enhancing potential research impact.  The UniSA Library now has 19 agreements, including two new deals for 2025: Emerald.

Some of the Agreements, including Elsevier, Taylor & Francis, Springer Nature, Wiley and Oxford University Press have a ‘cap’ or limit on the number of journal articles that can be published in a calendar year. Please factor in some additional time after first submission to allow for peer review and any subsequent revisions or discussions with the publisher to help prevent disappointment (or unexpected expense) if timeframes blow out and the cap is exceeded.  Information on the caps is provided on the Read & Publish Agreements webpage, select the publisher then look for the ‘State of current caps’ tab.

Please note that not all journal titles from a particular publisher are eligible. A spreadsheet incorporating publisher and journal titles lists, along with Field Of Research codes and Journal Quartile information from Journal Citation Reports is available for UniSA staff and student use only. Library staff regularly update this document throughout the year, so be sure to refer to the latest version each time you publish rather than a previously downloaded copy.

To be eligible for the APC fee waiver under the agreement:

  • the corresponding author must come from UniSA,
  • use their UniSA-affiliated email address (not Gmail, HotMail etc), and
  • use/select University of South Australia as the first affiliation.

Some key points to note:

  • Not all publishers offer Read & Publish Agreements
  • Not all journals are eligible under the agreements UniSA Library has signed. Details of each agreement can be found at
  • Each agreement may have different conditions, for example, article type eligibility
  • Publisher systems may offer a range of Creative Commons license options. CC BY is the most open license for sharing and re-use, and is the option that must be used for NHMRC funded research.

Please contact Ask the Library if you have any questions.