Description: A whole book, edited book, book chapter or translated book
Description: A book written in its entirety by one or more authors
Format and layout:
Author's family name OR Authoring body (year, page number if applicable)
(Author's family name OR Authoring body year, page number if applicable)
One author
Chabon (2008, p. 108) discusses...
...was discussed in the study (Chabon 2008, p. 108).
Authoring body/organisation
Deni Green Consulting Services (2008, p. 5) proposes...
...a better world (Deni Green Consulting Services 2008, p. 5).
Two or three authors
Campbell, Fox and de Zwart (2010, p. 46) argue...
...alternatives are preferable (Campbell, Fox & de Zwart 2010, p. 46).
Four or more authors
As suggested by Henkin et al. (2006, p. 14)...
...has been suggested (Henkin et al. 2006, p. 14).
Book with no date or an approximate date
This is emphasized by Seah (n.d.) when...
This is emphasised by Seah (c. 2005) when...
2nd, revised or later edition of a book
Bordwell and Thompson (2009, p. 33) explain...
...influenced his work (Pearce 2015).
Format and layout:
Author's family name, Initial(s) OR Authoring body year of publication, Title of book, edition if necessary, Publisher, Place of publication.
One author
Chabon, M 2008, Maps and legends, McSweeney's Books, San Francisco.
Authoring body/organisation
Deni Green Consulting Services 2008, Capital idea: realising value from environmental and social performance, Deni Green Consulting Services, North Carlton, Victoria.
Two or three authors
Campbell, E, Fox, R & de Zwart, M 2010, Students' guide to legal writing, law exams and self assessment, 3rd edn, Federation Press, Sydney.
Four or more authors
Henkin, RE, Bova, D, Dillehay, GL, Halama, JR, Karesh, SM, Wagner, RH & Zimmer, MZ 2006, Nuclear medicine, 2nd edn, Mosby Elsevier, Philadelphia.
Book with no date or an approximate date
Seah, R n.d., Micro-computer applications, Microsoft Press, Redmond, Washington.
Seah, R c. 2005, Micro-computer applications, Microsoft Press, Redmond, Washington.
2nd, revised or later edition of a book
Bordwell, D & Thompson, K 2009, Film art: an introduction, 9th edn, Mc-Graw Hill, New York.
Pearce, B 2015, Master of stillness: Jeffrey Smart, rev. edn, Wakefield Press, Mile End, South Australia.
Description: A book that is divided into chapters written by different authors
Format and layout:
Author's family name (ed. year)
(ed. Author's family name year)
One author
Hornberger (ed. 2003) questions whether...
It is not clear whether this point supports his previous assertions (ed. Hornberger 2003).
Two or three authors
Kronenberg, Pollard and Sakellariou (eds 2011) are interested in providing a framework for... included in this framework (eds Kronenberg, Pollard & Sakellariou 2011).
Four or more authors
In their collection of essays, Barnett et al. (eds 2006) explore... explored throughout (eds Barnett et al. 2006).
Format and layout:
Author's family name, Initial(s) (ed.) year, Title of book, edition if necessary, Publisher, Place of publication.
One author
Hornberger, NH (ed.) 2003, Continua of biliteracy: an ecological framework for educational policy, research and practice in multilingual settings, Multilingual Matters, Clevedon, UK.
Two or three authors
Kronenberg, F, Pollard, N & Sakellariou, D (eds) 2011, Occupational therapies without borders: towards an ecology of occupation-based practices, vol. 2, Churchill Livingstone Elsevier, Edinburgh.
Four or more authors
Barnett, T, Bierbaum, N, Harrex, S, Hosking, R & Tulloch, G (eds) 2006, London was full of rooms, Lythrum Press, Adelaide.
Description: A single chapter or section within an edited book
Format and layout:
Author's family name (year, page number if applicable)
(Author's family name year, page number if applicable)
Abbott (2010, p. 32) believes the horror blockbuster...
...influential theory (Naremore 2004, p. 11).
Format and layout:
Chapter Author's family name, Initial(s) year, 'Title of chapter', in Editor's Initial(s) Editor's family name (ed.), Title of book, edition if necessary, Publisher, Place of publication, pp. xx–xx.
Abbott, S 2010, 'High concept thrills and chills: the horror blockbuster', in I Conrich (ed.), Horror zone: the cultural experience of contemporary horror cinema, I.B. Tauris, London, pp. 27–44.
Naremore, J 2004, 'Authorship', in T Miller & R Stam (eds), A companion to film theory, Blackwell Publishing, Malden, Massachusetts, pp. 9–24.
Format and layout:
Author's family name (year, page number if applicable)
(Author's family name year, page number if applicable)
Kristeva (1995) has achieved great currency since its translation. argued as the reason for this tension (Kristeva 1995).
Format and layout:
Author's family name, Initial(s) year, Title of book, trans. Translator's Initial(s) Translator's family name, edition if necessary, Publisher, Place of publication.
Kristeva, J 1995, New maladies of the soul, trans. R Guberman, Columbia University Press, New York.
Format and layout:
(Author's family name Title of book, lines xx–xx)
Plato expressed this... (Plato The republic, lines 56–60)
Format and layout:
Author's family name, Title of book, trans. Translator's initial(s) Translator's family name, Publisher, Place of publication, Year of publication.
Plato, The republic, trans. A Bloom, Basic Books, New York, 1967.