Legislation: Acts, Bills, Ordinances, Regulations

Description: A general term covering the process through which laws are enacted by a legislative body that is established and empowered to do so


  • Cite in this format no matter where you found it. Do not include URLs for cases found online.
  • Do not use italics for Bills as they are unpublished.

In-text citation

Format and layout:

(Title of the Act year)


...inconsistent legislation was overridden (Racial Discrimination Act 1975).

The Health Legislation Amendment (Medicare and Private Health Insurance) Bill 2003 (Cwlth) was presented for debate by...

Reference List / Bibliography

Format and layout:

Title of the Act year (Jurisdiction).


Racial Discrimination Act 1975 (Cwlth).

Classification (Publications, Films and Computer Games) (R 18+ Films) Amendment Act 2009 (SA).

Health Legislation Amendment (Medicare and Private Health Insurance) Bill 2003 (Cwlth).